Training Neet Communıties To Reform Local Offers And Respond To The Needs Of Sustainable Tourism Wıth New Dıgıtal Skills And Services
- 1st Transnational Evaluation Workshop in Konya/TR – The 1st Transnational Evaluation Workshop in Konya/TR Visit belongs to the composite YOUTH MOBILITY EVENT. It focused on how tourists select destinations from different reasons and perspectives and will assist trainees to understand that travel motive in the globalized world & its recent dependency from technological advancements.
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- 1st Transnational Study Visit in Konya/TR – It was held on May 3, 2023. A total of 18 people from the KMM, ARF, MLV, MI-HI, PADIL, and JYIF teams participated. Within the scope of the study visit, Sille Ancient City, Hagia Eleni Church, Sille Market, Mevlana Museum, and Konya Tropical Butterfly Garden were visited.
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- 2nd Transnational Evaluation Workshop in Chios/GR – The 2nd Transnational Evaluation Workshop in Chios/GR Visit belongs to the composite YOUTH MOBILITY EVENT. It fcoused educate trainees to identify environmental values (ecosystem & scientific), social, aesthetic, historical, spiritual & special values to communities.
Link for more details:
- 2nd Transnational Study Visit in the UNESCO Listed Medieval Mastic Villages of Chios/GR – It was held on October 6, 2023. A total of 12 people from the KMM, ARF, MLV, MI-HI, JYIF, and SEALS teams participated. It took place in the UNESCO-listed Medieval Mastic Villages of Chios in Greece.
Link for more details:
- Crash Course in the Gamification of Heritage – The Crash Course in the Gamification of Heritage guided 6 NEET Communities in the Project Area to understand the process of the gamification of heritage and learn how to use game elements in non-game contexts, where game elements such as points, rewards, feedback, scarcity are applied. A total of 107 people participated in the online program prepared by SEALS in 4 days.
- Module Materials – 4 module materials have been prepared by SEALS within the scope of the accelerated course. These materials are Game Theory, Game Design, Game Prototype, Game Delivery.