Workpackage 2

Crash Course in Heritage Interpretation

The TOURBiNE project focuses on supporting young people with fewer opportunities (NEET) in developing entrepreneurial mindsets and digital skills for self-employment through community-based tourism. The project aims to diversify tourism offerings in peripheral destinations with heritage-based products and services. TOURBiNE stands for “Diversifying tourism offers in peripheral destinations with heritage-based products and services, stakeholder skills alliances to internationalize locally operating micro-enterprises.”

  • Objectives:
    • Support young people with fewer opportunities (NEET).
    • Develop entrepreneurial mindsets and transversal key competences.
    • Enhance digital skills to secure self-employment.
  • Cross-Border Partnership:
    • Involves organizations from Turkey, Holland, Greece, Bosnia Herzegovina, Jordan, Tunisia, and Egypt.
    • Partners include entities focusing on education, agility, youth innovation, and local initiative support.
  • Overall Emphasis:
    • The primary emphasis is on empowering NEET individuals through the development of skills and competences for self-employment in the field of community-based tourism with a focus on heritage-based products and services.


Heritage Interpretation

  • Subject Matter:

    • Heritage interpretation involves communication to help people understand, appreciate, and respect heritage.
  • Needs:

    • Emphasizes the importance of interpretation for understanding, caring, predicting, and avoiding losses in the context of finite resources.
  • Definitions:

    • Interpretation is defined as a process of communication to convey heritage understanding, appreciation, and respect.
  • Supply-Demand Issues:

    • Discusses the accessibility and benefits of heritage interpretation, considering direct and indirect values.
  • Techniques:

    • Describes various techniques for heritage interpretation, including themes, objectives, and means such as multimedia, publications, walks, talks, and more.


Heritage Significance

  • Man-Nature Interaction:
    • Cultural landscapes and manmade cultural heritage.
    • Exploration of oral and written languages, spiritual cultural heritage, objects, collections, customs, traditions, built environment, rites, beliefs, and oral histories.
  • Heritage Classes:
    • Classification into Natural Heritage, Built/Man-made Environment, Material Cultural Heritage, and Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • Natural Heritage Assets:
    • Detailed exploration of natural heritage assets, including physical descriptions, expertise, legal protection frameworks, and scientific fields like geomorphology, geology, paleontology, pedology, speleology, hydrology, and more.
  • Heritage Site Designation:
    • Importance of sites designated at international, national, regional/local levels.
    • Mention of Special Protection Places (SPAs), Ramsar Sites, Special Places of Conservation (SACs), National Nature Reserves, and sites of regional/local importance.
  • Heritage Resources for Tourism:
    • Various natural heritage attractions for tourism, including countryside parks, national parks, town parks, forestry, farms, botanical gardens, cemeteries, wildlife parks, zoos, and more.
  • Educational and Recreational Uses:
    • Highlighting the diverse uses of natural heritage attractions, such as recreation, learning, entertainment, outdoor, and indoor activities.
  • Importance of Heritage Significance:
    • Emphasis on the significance of heritage interpretation for tourism planning, considering land uses and contributions to the field of geography.

TOURBINE Multilevel Actors workshop/Survey report

The future of the tourism industry will be shaped by the demand for entrepreneurial skills, with a focus on innovation, agility, social and environmental responsibility, collaboration, and digital literacy. Key customer segments include Millennials, Generation Z, adventure seekers, eco-conscious tourists, and experience seekers. High-demand skills in the tourism sector encompass digital marketing, data analysis, customer relationship management (CRM), artificial intelligence (AI), and sustainability management.

  • Anticipated Changes in Entrepreneurial Skills:
    • Emphasis on entrepreneurial skills fostering innovation and creativity.
    • Importance of agility and adaptability in the rapidly evolving tourism industry.
    • Growing focus on social and environmental responsibility.
  • Key Entrepreneurial Skills:
    • Collaboration and networking skills for building relationships and fostering innovation.
    • High demand for digital literacy and technological proficiency.
    • Cultural competence and cross-cultural communication as tourism globalizes.
  • Customer-Centric Approach:
    • Prioritizing customer satisfaction, anticipating needs, and building long-term relationships.
  • Future Clients in the Tourism Sector:
    • Millennials and Generation Z as significant customer segments.
    • Growing demand for adventure tourism and sustainable, eco-friendly experiences.
    • Rise of experience seekers looking for unique, personalized travel experiences.
  • Skills in High Demand:
    • Digital marketing proficiency for effective customer engagement.
    • Data analysis skills for understanding customer preferences.
    • Importance of CRM for building and maintaining strong customer relationships.
    • Integration of AI technologies for enhanced customer experiences.
    • Sustainability management skills for eco-tourism.
  • Essential Digital Skills:
    • Website creation and optimization for showcasing destinations and services.
    • SEO skills to improve visibility in search engine results.
    • Proficiency in social media marketing for brand promotion.
    • Utilization of online reservation systems for seamless booking processes.
  • Digital Skills Currently Lacking:
    • Insufficient expertise in data analytics for gaining customer insights.
    • Limited knowledge and implementation of AI and machine learning technologies.
  • Training and Education Opportunities:
    • Focus on improving communication skills within teams and with customers.
    • Training programs for digital literacy, online marketing, social media management, and website development.
    • Emphasis on customer service skills and relationship management.
    • Collaboration and teamwork training for effective team dynamics.
    • Cultural sensitivity and cross-cultural communication training for catering to diverse travelers.
  • Conclusion:
    • The JYIF survey underscores the importance of digital marketing, data analysis, CRM, AI, and sustainability management skills for the future of the tourism industry.
    • Essential digital skills such as website creation, social media marketing, and online reservation systems should be prioritized.
    • Organizations need to address existing gaps in areas like data analytics and AI to enhance customer experiences and contribute to sustainable growth.

Erasmus + Capacity Building in the Field of Youth Programme

Multilevel Actors Workshop

Multilevel Actors Workshop- Workshop Documents: B&H multilevel actors

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